Monday 27 August 2012

Mango pudding

Today is the first day at school after lebaran holiday. It was hard to wake the kiddos up this morning. 'Ten more minutes please mom...' They begged while disappearing again under the blanket. I already packed this mango pudding in their snack boxes. When they got ready, they jumped down the car happily, smile spread ear to ear, waved me good bye and enthusiastically ran into the school... Have a nice day kids, I whispered... 


1 packet agar-agar
50 gr sugar
1 sachet (42ml) sweet condensed milk
600 ml water
200 gr mangoes, peeled and mashed


Combine agar-agar, sugar, condensed milk, and water in a saucepan. Stir continuously until it boils.
Remove from the heat. Keep stirring until it cools down slightly. 
Pour in mashed mangoes. Mix well.
Pour  it on jelly mould you like. Let it cool.


  1. cetakannya lucuuu Mbak....pudingnya pasti yummy ^^

  2. itu cetakan silikon mba ummu fatima, thanks udah mampir ya...^^
